Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Travels, etc...

I'm still here! My past couple of weeks have been rather busy, but I've finally had some time to sit down a write a post. I have been able to do quite a bit of travel the past few weekends, and I'm so glad to have a few other student teachers in the area who I have become quite close with. A couple weekends ago we went to Galway, where we explored the Christmas market and wandered all over the city. There were plenty of entertaining street performers, including these musical Santas and a magical floating guy.

Saturday our weather was beautiful, but Sunday was misty. I still loved the colorful houses along the water, even in the rain.

This weekend we were in Cork, also wandering and shopping. We walked through a well-known English market, visited St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, and saw the Christmas lights and festivities in the park.

This time of year, there are SO many craft markets everywhere. I have visited a quite a few of them and supported a good number of artists... The biggest one I have been to was the National Craft Fair, with over 150 stalls!

It's a bit dangerous, really, because there are so many wonderful things to buy (and eat)! I must admit, I haven't been able to resist some of the delicious cupcakes.

Recent school highlights:

~ A few days ago, I showed some pictures of home to the fourth class students and gave them a chance to ask me questions. The things that interested them most: tornadoes (They had endless questions!), chipmunks (when I said there are chipmunks in Indiana, someone asked incredulously "Have you seen a chipmunk before??"), and cardinals ("It looks like one of the Angry Birds birds!")

~ The theme for stations in the junior and senior infant classes this month is Christmas. (It's so interesting to have religion openly taught and celebrated in schools.) A couple of the stations have included Santa and elf costumes, and it has been so cute watching some of the kids wear a Santa beard and hat - they look very convincing!

I started this blog by saying that I hoped that Ireland would become a home for me. After nearly nine weeks, it certainly has! I feel like I've lived here for a long time, although my time has also flown. I really have a routine here, and it will feel strange to leave it. A few thoughts on how I knew Ireland felt like home...
~ The thought of sleeping in my bed at my host house after a weekend away sounded like heaven.
~ I began to be able to unlock the front door easily, despite the tricky way my key sticks in the keyhole.
~ I started recognizing and being recognized by the people that I see daily on the bus and the walk to school - including a sweet toddler on my bus.
~ I was asked for directions a few times and knew where the places were!
~ I realized that I will be sad to go, even though I'll be glad to be home in Indiana. I'll especially miss this kind of morning:

This weekend my dearest friend joins me here - I'm so excited! - and we will travel around Ireland next week before returning home just in time for Christmas. I will do my best to post one more time before I leave beautiful Ireland, but for now, thanks for reading, and slán leat!

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